Home > Noro
Ito Saiun Silk Garden Sock Solo (Closeout)
Silk Garden Solo (Closeout)
Located in the province Aichi in Japan, Noro yarn is world renowned for multi-colored yarn, where each hank or ball of yarn is individually dyed to produce a unique combination of subtle shadings and vivid hues. Noro strives to make their yarn with care and devotion to constantly provide a pleasant surprise and great impression among knitting lovers all over the world.
  • Ito

    Ito by Noro Yarns is a fabulous 200 gram cake of 2 ply 100% wool, worsted to Aran weight available in stunning Noro self-striping colors. Mix Ito with Silk Garden Solo for an even more stunning project.

  • Saiun

    Noro Saiun is the rainbow effect of the mist between glowing clouds. Constructed with many colors like its big brother Ito, the end result is an unforgettable array of saturated hues. Each ball embarks on a color journey of happiness & reminds us that spring is right around the corner. Sauin adds a touch of nylon for strength.

  • Silk Garden Sock Solo (Closeout)

    Silk Garden Sock Solo by Noro is the semi-solid sister yarn to Silk Garden Sock. Silk Garden Sock Solo comes in a lovely array of colors that coordinate with so many of Noro's outstanding color combinations. Don’t limit yourself just thinking of this as a sock yarn. Silk Garden Sock Solo yarn is far more than a solid sock yarn.

  • Silk Garden Solo (Closeout)

    Silk Garden Solo by Noro Yarns is wonderful solid heathered worsted weight yarn made of mohair, silk and wool with a lightly plied texture. Mix Silk Garden Solo with any of Noro's self-striping yarns for an even more stunning project.